Excursion Doornroosje
Mollier and CHEOPS are joining forces! Acoustics, architecture, urbanism, management and building physics and services come together in the new building of Doornroosje, the music venue of Nijmegen. Join us on this awesome trip, including presentations by professionals, a guided tour and lunch! Sign [...]
Mollier goes Beyond Technology! JPV Business Festival
*Note to non-dutch speaking Mollier members, this event is in Dutch. YoungTVVL organiseert weer het jaarlijkse business festival op vrijdag 20 Januari. Mollier is vaker op dit event geweest en ervaren als zeer interessant. Op dit event zullen allerlei interessante bedrijven zichzelf presenteren [...]
Heijmans Excursion
Last Thursday a group of students of Mollier went to Schiedam towards the new land tunnel of the A4. This excursion was organized by Heijmans. The day started with a general presentation about Heijmans provided by HR manager Floris van Koningsbruggen. He was followed by [...]
Foamglas excursion
On October 9th a group of Mollier members went on a excursion to the Foamglas insulation factory in Belgium. Foamglas is a producer of cellular glass insulation for high performance, durable & ecologically sustainable thermal insulation in building applications. The day started with a presentation about the company, [...]
Successful meeting with ‘Kuijpers installaties’
On September 25th a group of 14 Mollier members went to Zeist for a meeting organized by ‘Kuijpers Installaties’. Kuijpers’ ambition is to build all installations from 2018 energy neutral and healthy. First the ‘strategy plan’ was introduced by an animation video. Then Marjan Minnesma [...]
Wolter&Dros project meeting
Are you interested in a master/graduation project or internship at Wolter&Dros? Commit to the project meeting 9th September! During this day you get a tour through the office, a presentation about the company and interesting projects and there will be a speed date with [...]
TVVL Excursion ASML
TVVL regiogroep Oost-Brabant nodigt ons uit voor de excursie op vrijdag 10 oktober a.s. ASML te Veldhoven, producent van lithografische machines voor de chip industrie, bouwt momenteel een nieuwe “Cleanroom met bijbehorend Central Utility Building”. Tijdens de rondgang op de bouw krijgt men een [...]
Excursion with Philips Research
Together with Philips Research we organize an excursion to Philips Research at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. It will be held on Thursday 12th June from 13:30 until 17:00. The program consists of: Presentation about Philips Research and the possibilities Tour through the [...]
Excursion with BAM Techniek
April 24th, 2 o’clock: despite a relatively large group was on study trip to Singapore and Malaysia, 22 enthusiastic Mollier members left the TU/e heading to Delft. This day we were invited by BAM Techniek, one of our main sponsors, to visit their project [...]