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s.v.b.p.s. Mollier cares about your privacy. That is why we only request and process information that we need for our services and we do so with utmost care.

In accordance with the EU regulations concerning the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we would like to inform you about all the data we use and process for our services. This policy is in force starting 29-10-2018. With every new version, the old versions are considered inactive. Here, we will describe what information we request from you, for what we use it, and with whom it is shared. In case we share it with a third party, we will also explain what the purpose is. We will also explain how the data is stored and how we secure your data, and what rights you have concerning your data.

For any information or clarifications, you can always contact us at

General provisions

Mollier, We Studievereniging Building Physics and Services Mollier
Personal Data All the data filled in when signing up to be a member of s.v.b.p.s Mollier
Mollier Members Everyone that signs up with s.v.b.p.s Mollier
Member Space Secure part of our website that is available exclusively to the members of s.v.b.p.s Mollier.
Responsible for the Privacy Policy Current board of s.v.b.p.s. Mollier
Processor of Personal Data Current Secretary of s.v.b.p.s. Mollier

Registration as a member

To sign up with Mollier, we collect data for our records and it is stored in PerfectView, a Dutch Customer Relationship Management software ( Once the data is entered on the website, a mail with the information is sent to the Secretary of Mollier and the Secretary of CHEOPS. This information is then updated manually into the PerfectView database. The website of Mollier ( has an SSL-certificate, hence your data here is always safe. The following data is processed for the mentioned reasons:

Data Necessity
Given Name, First Name, Initials, Prefix, Last Name, Gender Identification
Address, House number, Zip, Postcode, City Contact; for postal communication
Mobile and contact information Contact
Study, course Verification of membership compliance

We request both your TU/e and personal mail addresses so that we can remain in touch even after graduation, and so that our communication during your study period reaches you on your study mail. 

Subscription to the INSide Information

The biannual magazine of Mollier in collaboration with the Unit BPS is sent free of charge to all members of Mollier, alumni, sponsors and the faculty. Your postal address is used to send you your free copy of the magazine. The data is processed in PerfectView, personally posted by the Secretary, without sharing it with any external parties. 

Subscription to activities

Activities that require subscription are requested through the event page on the website. The forms request your last name and your TU/e mail ID to link it to the database on PerfectView. This automatically creates a list of all the registered individuals, so that we know how many attendees we have. This is also only for the information of Mollier. In case of an event in collaboration with one of our sponsors, the names of the participants are communicated with the company, if it is requested.

Photographs may be taken during our activities that may be used on social media for publicity and promotion. We take utmost care to prevent misuse of these images. If you believe that there has been a misuse of your image, or if you deny permission to use your image, you can get in touch with immediately. We maintain a photo share of activity photographs collected from all the participants. These are accessible only to the members in the Member Space on the website and are secured. If you wish for any of the images to be taken down, do get in touch with us.

Study trips

When signed up to participate in the study trip, copies of passports, identity card or health insurances may be requested in order to arrange the travel and accommodation for the trip. An online copy is saved for this purpose and is destroyed at the end of fulfilled commitments. We are obliged to keep this information private and is only handled by the responsible committee under the supervision of a board member of Mollier. 

Sponsorship data

Information regarding sponsor companies, institutions and individuals are maintained by Mollier for purposes of communication. This information is received personally from the contacts and is also stored in the PerfectView database. These details are only accessed by the Commissioner(s) of External Relations of Mollier, and is only used in regards to Mollier-related sponsorship activities. The following data is collected from you for the stated reasons:

What data Reason for request
Name of company and contact person Identification
Contact details, email and postal addresses Contact and communications
Function, signatures Setting up sponsor contracts

Your data and you

How we process your data

  • All data collected as mentioned in Section 1 is saved in a secure database in PerfectView, which is only accessible to the current board of Mollier. The Secretary of Mollier personally enters and updates information into the database to have an active record of all current and past members of Mollier.
  • Information regarding participation in activities are stored on a yearly basis for reference and record and is mainly used of statistics and trend watching.
  • Active members of Mollier (members who also are part of a committees to organize Mollier events) are recorded in order to have information regarding their commitments, and to have a list for arranging the End of Year BBQ.
  • The use of PerfectView links each individual user to all the activities in Mollier, hence information does not have to be passed around, and one common file can be maintained.
  • Details of sponsor contracts and contact details are stored for administrational records and are confidential.

How we protect your data

The only location with all your details recorded is PerfectView and is secured with a three-step login. No physical copies of details are recorded for reasons other than mentioned earlier in the document. This data is only accessible to the current board of Mollier and is managed by the Secretary. No members have access to this information and no unauthorized use of data is possible. The mails saved on our server are also secured to prevent any illegal access and are also protected by the Dutch laws.

Data we share and why

CHEOPS, Study Association of the Built Environment

Upon registration of members, the details are shared with CHEOPS, Study Association of the Built Environment. CHEOPS needs to inspect our members in order to give us a certain amount of subsidy. By signing up with Mollier, since we are the sub-section association, you are also signed up as a member of CHEOPS, which is the umbrella association for all the study associations in the Built Environment. CHEOPS ensures that the data is stored securely and that there is no unauthorized use of your data.

Cooperation in tax and criminal investigation

If deemed necessary, Mollier can be forced based on a legal obligation for sharing our data for a government tax or criminal investigation. In such a case we are obliged to share information, but within the scope of the law.

Your rights concerning your data

According to Dutch and European Legislation, you as the data subject have certain rights with respect to your personal data that is processed by us. In principle, in order to prevent abuse, we only communicate with you through means of data you provide to us. In case of a change in detail (email address, personal address, etc.), you can update the information on the website by yourself, and we will thereon update it in our system. You have the express right to report a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) at any time if you suspect any misuse of your data.

Right of inspection

You can always request to inspect any of your data that we process. You can do so by sending a mail to and we you receive a response within 30 days.

Right to rectification

You always have the right to rectify your data that we process or are processing. Upon request, you can update your information as you wish, and you will receive a confirmation upon the update of the information.

Right to restriction

You always have the right to limit us from using the data that belongs to you, provided that we can still carry out administrative functions. You can submit a request to do so by mail to and we will confirm your request within 30 days.

Right to objection

You have every right to object Mollier from using your personal data recorded with us. If your objection is well founded, we will discontinue processing your information.

Amendments to the privacy policy

We reserve the rights to change our privacy policy at any time. You can always find the most recent version on this webpage. If the new privacy policy affects the way we already process your information, we will notify you of it by email.

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