Interesting events

Recap: OMRT Parametric Workshop

On the 29th of April, Mollier members headed to Amsterdam for a Parametric Design workshop organized by OMRT.  The aim of the workshop was familiarising ourselves with Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug and Honeybee. After a short introduction about OMRT and Parametric application, the students where challenged to [...]

By |April 30, 2019|Categories: Interesting events, Other|

Recap: DPA Cauberg-Huygen Case Study

On the 22nd of November, Mollier members seized a great opportunity and headed to Rotterdam for a Parametric Design case study, organized by Cauberg-Huygen. The aim of the workshop was familiarising ourselves with Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug and Honeybee. Ideally, by the end of the [...]

By |November 26, 2018|Categories: Excursions, Interesting events|

Recap: RoyalHaskoningDHV Sustainable Design Challenge

I was asked to write the recap of the Sustainable Design Challenge of Royal HaskoningDHV as one of the team members of the winning team, so here it is. The adventure started around a month ago, where Ola, Marc, Meghana, Kim and I went [...]

By |November 26, 2018|Categories: Interesting events|

Recap: RETScreen workshop

Last Friday VanHout adviseurs en installateurs came by and gave us an interesting course about RETScreen. RETScreen is an energy management software system for energy efficiency, renewable energy and cogeneration project feasibility analysis as well as ongoing energy performance analysis. Jan van Hout, the [...]

By |May 24, 2018|Categories: Interesting events, Other|
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