Introduction to BPS

Building Physics and Services (BPS) is one of the five master tracks within the master program Architecture, Building and Planning (ABP) at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

BPS covers a wide range of interdisciplinary research topics connected to building physics and building services. The aim is to acquire new knowledge and integrate and develop design methods that lead to a sustainable, healthy, comfortable and productive indoor and outdoor environment. The focus of attention is on physical aspects and processes such as heat and mass transfer in building constructions, indoor air quality, lighting, acoustics, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and materials. BPS has a well equipped laboratory and qualified technical staff. Research is carried out in the laboratory as well in the field. The basic facilities allow for a wide range of experiments in all the aspects of building mentioned above. The computing power laboratory also provides advanced simulation software like Fluent, ESP-r, Dirac, Radiance and COMSOL.

In terms of administrative structure, BPS is one of the units of the Department of the Built Environment. The unit is divided in different research groups, also called chairs, each of which is led by one or several full professors and has its own staff. The groups are:

  • Building Acoustics (BA)
  • Building Lighting (BL)
  • Building Performance (BPf)
  • Building Services (BS)
  • Building Materials (BM)
  • Building Physics (BPh)

What are these topics about? What is their research? Who are their staff? More information can be find on the TU/e website.


The Master’s program BPS contains 120 ECTS and consists of:

  • 30 Ects Core Courses
  • 30 Ects Specialization Electives
  • 15 Ects Free Electives
  • 45 Ects Graduation

More information on the courses can be found here.


Unit BPS has many research/consult/design projects which students can do for Ects. A database of projects has been set up by the unit. Students can also do projects at external parties (such as companies). Mollier has a database in which some companies post their project offers.

Graduate School and Transition Program

From September 2016 the TU/e has a new master education structure called Graduate School, which organizes students in a different way. Some courses are merged and given new codes and different ECTS, and master project is also conducted differently.

There is also the so called Transition Program, for master students enrolled before September 2016 so that these students can graduate smoothly without taking changes of Graduate School. Transition Program is variable in individual cases, please consult education (see section Need Help? below) office whenever needed.


Interesting in doing master in BPS? Check whether your eligible and what steps you need to take to enroll at Admission and Enrollment.

More Member’s Rights

Mollier archives past examination papers for you to prepare examinations. We also connect students with companies so that you can do your external master projects there. Employment information at companies is also provided by Mollier. Course evaluation is conducted by Mollier every quartile. You can express your complaints or suggestions about courses taken at the unit BPS.

Need Help?

If you have any questions regarding your master education, you can try these ways to find the answer:

  1. (Recommended) Go to education office: department of the built environment has the education office to answer questions from students. The office is located at VRT 2.11, you can visit during its opening hours without appointment.
  2. Consult academic advisers: the department also has academic advisers from whom you can receive private help and guidance, appointment may be needed.
  3. View TU/e Education Guide: TU/e set up a new website for students to obtain information without dizzy browsing.
  4. Contact the board of Mollier via an online form or come by at our office at VRT floor 2!

Useful Links

TU/e and BPS provide documents and brochures for students, from which you can know what courses are available, what is the requirement of graduation, etc. You can download them via links below, please be careful whether the document is suitable for you.


Regulations Examination Committee Dep. Built Environment 2016 -2017English
Education and Examination Regulation of Master (OER) 2017-2018Dutch and English

Education Guide

Education Guide Master ABP 2014-2015English
Education Guide Track BPS 2014-2015English
Transition Program BPS 2016-2017English
Course Schedule Courses ABP and CME with OASE Links 2016-2017English


Brochure Graduate Program Built Environment 2016-2017English
Brochure Education Program TU/eEnglish

Other Links

Study guide BPSEnglish
Information about GraduationEnglish
Graduation ScheduleEnglish
Certificate ProgramEnglish
TU/e Career CenterDutch/English


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