
Event Recap: Introweekend

Off to a great start of the new academic year! Our Introweekend-committee has arranged a fun and educational weekend! We visited the @peutzbv office and laboratories in Mook, to get a better understanding of how various Building Physical experiments are done! Saturday and Sunday [...]

By |November 18, 2024|Categories: Excursions, Fun activities|

Recap: DPA Cauberg-Huygen Case Study

On the 22nd of November, Mollier members seized a great opportunity and headed to Rotterdam for a Parametric Design case study, organized by Cauberg-Huygen. The aim of the workshop was familiarising ourselves with Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug and Honeybee. Ideally, by the end of the [...]

By |November 26, 2018|Categories: Excursions, Interesting events|

Recap Excursion Peutz Laboratory

Thursday the 23th of March Mollier is invited at Peutz to visit their laboratories in Molenhoek near the German border. After a train ride of one and a half hour, the group of 15 people found itself at an abandoned train station in the [...]

By |March 27, 2017|Categories: Excursions|

Peutz is a group of independent consultants specialised in a wide range of fields related to the design and building of any type of architectural or industrial development. Specialities range from acoustics, building physics and physics of urban design, noise control, and environmental technology to fire [...]

By |March 3, 2017|Categories: Excursions|

Excursion Doornroosje: CHEOPS x Mollier

The excursion last friday was very interesting,! Together with CHEOPS, Studievereniging Bouwkunde we have organised a trip to one of Netherlands` most interesting music venues. One of the main goals of the trip is to introduce bachelor students to the world of building physics [...]

By |February 19, 2017|Categories: Excursions|

Recap of Mollier @ JPV Business Festival 2017

Thank you all for joining us on ‘Jong Professionals Verenigd Business Festival 2017’ organized by TVVL! The morning started early as the festival kick-off was around 08:00. This kick-off keynote speech was held by Thomas Rau, talking about the Universal Rights of Materials. An [...]

By |February 1, 2017|Categories: Excursions|
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