Wednesday morning, half pas nine, we all gathered in front of the Starbucks at Eindhoven Station. Almost everyone took the train to Schiphol. On the way, some of us tried to join the group (tried, since for some it was difficult to give good directions where to get on). At Schiphol, we gathered at the red and white meeting point and we were complete: the trip could start for real now!

The security checks went well and with time to spare we arrived at our gate. Unfortunately the flight was delayed, resulting in a need to hurry to make it to our connecting flight in Frankfurt. For some, this was very stressful, but in the end it wasn’t as bad as we thought and again with time to spare we arrived at the gate to continue the journey. Sleeping was very difficult, but all in all we had a good flight and our luggage arrived as well.

On the airport in Seoul, the travel cards were arranged and we could continue to our hostel. After settling in, we explored the neighbourhood in , showered and played games before dinner started. The rule was wear a crazy headpiece, or no beer for you! So, everyone had found something beautiful to wear during the Korean BBQ. After dinner, the Mollier anthem had to be sung with the appropriate Jägermeister shot. But what is that? The chairman of the association still doesn’t know the lyrics???

After the BBQ, some more beer was bought in the store around the corner. And the first Soju has been drunk too. After a relaxed night, everyone turned in early in order to get up early for an exciting second day!

-written by Marjolijn and Nick-