If you spent some money for the benefit of s.v.b.p.s. Mollier, you can declare it to the treasurer. If he/she approves, you will be reimbursed.

What you need for online declaration

  • Adobe Acrobat (provided by TU/e) or Adobe Reader (free download)
  • Digital copy (JPG or PDF) of the proof of your payment (receipts, invoice, bank statement, etc.)

Steps of online declaration

  1. Download the declaration form in Dutch or English
  2. Open the form with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat
  3. You can click on the underline and fill in your text
  4. After completion, don’t forget to save the file
  5. Send the filled form, with digital copy of the proof of your payment, to treasurer@mollier.nl

Steps of declaration for printed documents

  1. Download the declaration form in Dutch or English
  2. Open the form with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat
  3. You can click on the underline and fill in your text
  4. After completion, don’t forget to save the file
  5. Take a screenshot from print.tue.nl transactions and a photo of the printed documents
  6. The amount of pages, size, color/black and possibly a clarification must be stated in the declaration form
  7. Send the filled form, with the screenshot of your transaction as a proof of payment and a photo of the printed documents to treasurer@mollier.nl

Once approved, you will receive the money on your bank account.