If you spent some money for the benefit of s.v.b.p.s. Mollier, you can declare it to the treasurer. If he/she approves, you will be reimbursed.
What you need for online declaration
- Adobe Acrobat (provided by TU/e) or Adobe Reader (free download)
- Digital copy (JPG or PDF) of the proof of your payment (receipts, invoice, bank statement, etc.)
Steps of online declaration
- Download the declaration form in Dutch or English
- Open the form with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat
- You can click on the underline and fill in your text
- After completion, don’t forget to save the file
- Send the filled form, with digital copy of the proof of your payment, to treasurer@mollier.nl
Steps of declaration for printed documents
- Download the declaration form in Dutch or English
- Open the form with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat
- You can click on the underline and fill in your text
- After completion, don’t forget to save the file
- Take a screenshot from print.tue.nl transactions and a photo of the printed documents
- The amount of pages, size, color/black and possibly a clarification must be stated in the declaration form
- Send the filled form, with the screenshot of your transaction as a proof of payment and a photo of the printed documents to treasurer@mollier.nl
Once approved, you will receive the money on your bank account.