–  Written by Lennert Evers & Marc Tavenier-

In the morning we got breakfast in two groups: one group was leaving half an hour earlier for measuring at the Yonsei University and the other group left later to be right on time. After a 30 minute walk through some small streets, we arrived. We were greeted with some beverages and the presentations started. There were 4 presentations from us and 4 from them about several projects. The topics that the students of Yonsei University presented are mostly related to indoor comfort in offices and cars. After the presentations we had a typical Korean lunch provided by the university. When we were full, we went to check out the climate chamber and a testing car on the roof. After some group pictures the university tour started. We were guided around campus and saw that our campus could learn a thing or two from theirs when it comes to big buildings and beautiful greenery. The students were kind enough to lead us to the busses and tell us which bus to use to go to the city hall: a beautiful, new building at which we were greeted with some coffee.

The presentation that the Seoul metropolitan government gave was about their plan to decrease nuclear power plants
and increasing sustainable energy sources by, for instance, increasing solar energy, using waste as resources and making buildings more energy efficient. When the presentation was done, we all had free time. We checked out the metropolitan government building and after
that we split up to either get souvenirs, go to Dongdaemun Plaza, and of course get something to eat.
At about 10pm we met up at the hostel to get a drink and go to the club to show our dance moves.

We had a great night and went to bed early of course ;)