Authors: Jonathan Ezechiels & Robin van der Sande

With our subway cards in our pockets and flip flops under our feet we began todays journey to the Lama Temple. It was quite the picture although it raised some doubts whether all artifacts were actually ancient. We have been extremely lucky with the weather: 28 degrees and no smog in the sky. The latter is rather special for Beijing.

Next stop: Tianenmen Square. An impressive square with numerous highlights. Our pressence didn’t go unnoticed and we were frequently photographed by the Chinese. Most of which were intended to be taken secretely but they failed to do so. The neighbouring Forbdden City gave a good impression how the Chinese emperors spend their time.

The afternoon ended in style: Dressed up in traditional Chinese clothing for a photoshoot. Word got out quickly and within seconds we were surrounded by dozens of Chinese photographers. Those who were keen for some adventure got on a traditional Riksja for a trip to the restaurant. With excellent guidance from our Chinese friends, we were served an exeptionally delicious dinner.

Het vertier werd voortgezet in een cafe waar enkele alcoholische versnaperingen werden genuttigd en de banden met de Chinezen werden versterkt. Een persoon was niet weg te krijgen en bleef wat langer plakken. #WaarIsKrishan

The evening continued in a bar where we exerpienced some local beverages. Inspired by the beverages, some of us strenghten the ties with the local community. One person decided to stick arround a little longer. #WhereIsKrishan