After another night of jetleg where almost everyone woke up quite early once more, at 8:30 we set out for Baumann Consulting. On the way there, Ola harassed some random dude by splashing water on him for no reason. At arrival at the Clark/Lake stop we went to the Baumann Office at the 16th floor, the Vertigo Elevators could learn something about efficiency and speed from those elevators.

Kelly Adighije from Baumann welcomed and offered us our 2nd breakfast, which we ate out of politeness. Afterwards the president of the company Oliver Baumann gave an introduction about the company and the history of how a German engineer ended up in Chicago. Then, the webinar started, where Arjan and Rambo presented their master projects. In total, about 100 people tuned in for this.

After the questions rounds following these presentations, the interview about WELLS certificates was done, which they allready prepared very “WELL”.

Following some small talk (where they mentioned that it is also possible for us to do an internship there) the contacts were presented with a Dutch present as a thanks for their time and help.

At around 12 ‘o clock we bid our farewells. We would like to thank Baumann Consultants for their hospitality. Afterwards we headed to spend some free time.

During the free time the group divided themselves. One group went to the Google Office, another had an interview at Threshold Acoustics for their article and the rest headed to the Pier.

At 4 ‘o clock the group gathered at the John Hancock tower and headed to the 360° Observation deck, which was a $17 elevator ride to the 95th floor. For an additional $8 you could make use of the TILT attraction. In sum, a $25 view of the city.

Marjolijn stayed at the ground floor to make sure the building didn’t tip over. After some leisure time at the deck we headed out to get some dinner.

In the evening, we went to the AMC Theatres to check out the latest Avengers movie, which was mindblowingly awesome. The good guys were fighting the bad guys, the Mollier members were fighting sleepiness. You know, the usual.

The train trip back to the hostel afterwards was filled with delays and weird folk. Also here a lot of people were checking the inside of their eyes. With this the 3rd day ended at 1:30 am.

– Written by Don and Gert-Jan –