

Recap: Meet Mollier Drink

On the 9th of October, the 24th board hosted their first drink at the Skybar, where several sub-associations and Mollier members enjoyed some beers over some board games. We used this opportunity to present our committee poster and recruit some new members to help us out with the fun activities, the [...]

By |November 17, 2019|Categories: Other|Comments Off on Recap: Meet Mollier Drink

Recap: End Activtiy

From Friday the 14th till Sunday the 16th, Molliler gathered their members and put them in some cars to a (for them) unknown location. The drive took 3 hours and a ferry over to the beautiful Texel. After having arrived and fighting over the best beds, everybody was friends again and [...]

By |June 21, 2019|Categories: Fun activities|Comments Off on Recap: End Activtiy

Recap: Lunch lecture #7

On the 29th of May,  former Mollier member Marc Kalee and Fabian Wieland from LBP|SIGHT and former Mollier member Sander ter Mors and Jan van Hout from van Hout provided us with two insightful lunch lectures. LBP| Sight talked about ‘Working-life as a Young Professional’  and Van Hout will discussed ‘Measurement and validation of [...]

By |June 6, 2019|Categories: Lunch lectures|Comments Off on Recap: Lunch lecture #7

Recap: Lunch lecture #6

On the 1st of May,  former Mollier members Chris van Loenen and Ilse Dijkstra - Nugteren from Deerns and former Mollier member Dennis Schuiling and Ricardo Poortvliet from Ballast Nedam provided us with two insightful lunch lectures. Ballast nedam shared their vision, projects and oppertunities. Deerns talked about what it is like to work [...]

By |May 2, 2019|Categories: Lunch lectures, Other|Comments Off on Recap: Lunch lecture #6
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