

Van Lint Sportweek

The Van Lint Sportweek is a week (19 december - 22 december) full of known and unknown sports. Mollier delegates 3 teams in 3 sports. The sports that we will do this year are: Bumperball on monday 19 december (team of 4 players) Volleyball on wednesday 21 december (team of 6 [...]

By |December 4, 2016|Categories: Fun activities|Comments Off on Van Lint Sportweek

Bowling with Richard – Fun Activity #2

With the succesful Start Activity still fresh in our minds, it is time to present you the next Fun Activity: Bowling with Richard! Come together December 1st to enjoy a fun night out with fellow Mollier members on the bowling alley. Bowling is free of charge for our members. Click here to [...]

By |November 22, 2016|Categories: Fun activities|Comments Off on Bowling with Richard – Fun Activity #2

Evaluation Start Activity

After some traffic jams near Luik, we arrived in Trois-Pont, a small village in the middle of nowhere in the Ardennes. After a quick dinner and a couple of beers, we drove near Luik and dropped three groups in random places for a small walk of 7 km to find their [...]

By |November 21, 2016|Categories: Fun activities|Comments Off on Evaluation Start Activity

Evaluatie Lunchlezing Arcadis & Voort

The 16th of November Arcadis and Voort joined for the second lunch lecture of this academic year. Arcadis profiled itself as an international consultancy firm which gives sustainability and the clients wishes top priority. Voort is a secondment agency, which originated from the fusion of KP&T and Tracé. Both companies brought with them an [...]

By |November 17, 2016|Categories: Lunch lectures|Comments Off on Evaluatie Lunchlezing Arcadis & Voort


Dear Colleaques, The INHOUSE DAYS of Arcadis are only a couple of weeks away. The registration will close the 23th of November. So if you are interested than be fast! You can register at

By |November 17, 2016|Categories: Interesting events|Comments Off on Arcadis INHOUSE DAYS

Lunch lecture Voort & Arcadis

Dear Friends and Colleagues! The 16th of November, the second lunch lecture of the year will be given by Voort & Arcadis! It's promised to be an informative hour. So join us for a FREE LUNCH and the INTERESTING COMPANIES! Date: November 16 | Time: 12:30 - 13:30 | Location: MF 0.547 [...]

By |November 11, 2016|Categories: Lunch lectures|Comments Off on Lunch lecture Voort & Arcadis
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