On the 14th of March, Bas Peeters and Rik Maaijen from Royal HaskoningDHV and Dennis van Goch from BAM visited us to provide us with a lunch lecture.

The representatives of Royal HaskoningDHV were presenting the possibilities of working at their company. They have an interesting ‘Young Professional Program’, in order to learn new employees soft skills such as personal branding, project management and selling techniques. Also, some distinctive projects where highlighted, such as the new Booking-campus Office building, where there were some acoustical challenges and discussions about the design of the building versus the thermal comfort. Another project of Royal HaskoningDHV is the cost optimality of Schiphol Airport, where there should be a balance of the sustainability and the business case.

The presentation of Dennis van Goch, the representative of BAM, was about smart energy management. A big project BAM has, is called ‘REnnovates’, which has a lot to do with smart energy. This project is an extension of ‘De Stroomversnelling’, a project where 111,000 residences are renovated in order to be classified as ‘nul-op-de-meter’. However, a challenge for this is the inequality of the energy demand and the energy generation. BAM says the solution will have to be found on a district-scale, not on individual housing scale.

We would like to thank Bas, Rik and Dennis for providing the lunch lecture.

The presentations of Royal HaskoningDHV and BAM can be viewed below:
20180314_Lunch Lecture #5 company RHDHV

20180314_Lunch Lecture #5 company BAM