
The 13th of December Stabiplan and BAM joined us for the third lunch lecture of this academic year. It was a great success with over 30 people in the room. The first lunch lecture began with Tim Blok, who explained the core business of Stabiplan. Stabiplan develops software for the services market, but in order to do that it also needs input form the market itself. This is where Roger Fuchs came in. Roger Fuchs gave a detailed story about his work as a product developer. Which is much more than only programming. He is the spider in the web of technology, the product, the client and has to manage all three in order to make the product future proof. The second lunch lecture was from BAM. First Matthias Weide explained BAM as a company in general, which is much more than only a construction company. All facets of the building process are represented within the company. Eva van Enk continued the presentation explaining her work with the department of Energy Systems. Projects she is working on are for example upgrading sustainable building concepts, smart grids and problem solving for clients.

We would like to thank Stabiplan and BAM for the interesting insights. More information can be found at the Mollier booth at the 2nd floor of Vertigo or ask the 21st board.