Friday the 16th of May the first Deerns Inhouse day took place. The whole day there were about 18 students who attend the building visits, presentations of Deerns, case study and the Friday afternoon drinks.

In the morning we visited two buildings on the TU/e campus. At first we visited Ceres (Institute for Complex Moleculaire Systems (ICMS)) a redeveloped former boiler house and after that we visited the Darcy lab also know as Magnet Lab. The Magnet lab showed other unusual for us unknow physics, such as magnetic fields, X-rays and other harmful gases and the required installations. 

After the building visits, we went to the office of Deerns, for the company presentation. And after a well prepared lunch, we had an introduction of the case study, which was needed for elaborate the case study. For this case study we had to think as a consulting engineer, so that we could give an advice for a building design in a Asian climate. The winning group received a very usefull Deerns wind jacket!

During the Friday afternoon drinks, we spoke in a informal setting with employees of Deerns, where we got to know how it is to work at Deerns, how they came to Deerns and other interesting subjects.

We can conclude, that this day was succesfull. Our member students knows now, what the specialties of Deerns are and what the possibilities are for during or after the study.