Study association Building Physics and Services Mollier (s.v.b.p.s. Mollier) and the Unit Building Physics and Services (BPS) of the TU/e will organise a barbecue for all (former) employees, alumni and students of the master(track) Building Physics and/or Building Services.

We would like to invite (former) employees, alumni and students for this TU/e Building Physics and Services reunion barbecue and would highly appreciate it if you could attend this occasion.

Who, what, when and where:
TU/e Building Physics and Services reunion barbecue
Who: (former) employees, alumni and students of the TU/e Building Physics and Services
Location: Scala, Eindhoven – Kanaalstraat 6
Date: 4 October 2014, 18:00-22:00
Costs: € 10,-

Unfortunately, we don’t have all contact information of every one of the target group. Do you know people belonging to this group? Let them and us know, because they are very welcome as Well!

We hope to welcome you 4 October!

Registration period is closed