This year Mollier decided to stay in the Netherlands for the End Activity. 19 people enjoyed the sun, beer and beaches of Texel!

Friday evening was a party night at the feesttent with the Polderman Brothers. Even though there weren’t that many people, Mollier made a party in a way that only Mollier can. However, this party ended at 00:00, so we needed a new party location. We ended up in de Koog: the party location of Texel!

Saturday morning was quite difficult for some people, but we managed to get everyone on a bike. After a tour through the picturesque landscapes of Texel we arrived at the brewery of Texel. Here we had a very interesting tour and in the end had the opportunity to taste 4 of the beers brewed in Texel. After a delicious BBQ, we set out to the beach to do some beach football, sand sculpting and just relaxing. To close of this day, we all went to de Koog to enjoy the Texelse party spirit.

Sunday morning: waking, breakfast and then packing everything for the trip back. But before we left Texel, we had one more activity planned. Archery Tag: paintball with bow and arrow. After two hours of shooting at each other, cheating the game and being completely exhausted, the trip back to Eindhoven finally began. Most of the people slept on the way home, but some of the people tried to extend the weekend a bit longer and tried to finish the leftover beers.

We want to thank all of you for joining us and having a great weekend! See you all at next activity!