The yearly End Activity took place from the 5th of June until the 7th of June. After the start activity had set a record of 34 participants no one expected to match the same numbers. As usual the destination was kept top secret. After gathering at the student centre called ‘De Bunker’ we divided everyone into groups of three. Still no one knew the plans neither the destination. The first groups could enter one of the four cars and were taken away. People shared their thoughts and we could hear suggestions like a scavenger hunt, walking to our destination, or even Eindhoven being the destination for the weekend. All were wrong, because everybody got dropped somewhere at a gas station surrounding Eindhoven closely to the highway. Here the groups could open the envelope in their survival kit, which also contained cold beers, bread, water balloons, Mollier Stickers and a bucket list. The map inside showed that the city of Brugge in Belgium was going to be our destination for the weekend. All groups were provided with a large piece of white cardboard and were told good luck with hitchhiking to our destination. Some had see this coming, while for others this was a major shock.

With this scoop the committee will be remembered, because it was the first time in Mollier history that hitchhiking was the way of transportation. To be sure that everyone would reach the final destination, the commission stayed behind in Eindhoven with 4 cars, and kept in touch with all groups. We left a few hours later and picked up everyone who stayed behind. Above our own expectations it went surprisingly good. When a group once left Eindhoven and crossed the border, getting a ride was no problem at all.  Only one group was not able to leave Eindhoven, but all other groups reached Brugge.

In the city centre of Brugge our youth hostel was located, called ‘Charlie Rockets’. Its bar, pool tables, and football table entertained everyone while waiting on the committee and stragglers. Once there we all enjoyed our homemade pasta salad for dinner. After dinner the committee awarded the winning hitchhiking group. They fulfilled most wishes on the bucket list like eating a Big Mac at once, putting a Mollier sticker at the highest spot possible, making a Belgian selfie, hugging a tree etc. To end this exciting day we all explored the city centre and visit several bars. However, the next day we had to wake up early to get breakfast at the HEMA warehouse for just 1 euro.

Saturday was a day filled with an activity on water. Nearby Brugge at a small lake we build rafts in groups of 4 or 5 persons. With these rafts we entered the water. Some rafts didn’t made it of the start, while other rafts were indestructible. Although the weather was great, some of us even got a sun burn, the water was still very chilly. Continuous to Friday night the city centre got overwhelmed by us students. Again we had a great time together.

Sunday morning was an easy going morning. We all could stay a little longer in our beds before the checkout of eleven o’clock. Together we went to the park were we had breakfast. After breakfast, or if you look at the time you could call it lunch, we went into the city centre. Everybody had free time to enjoy themselves. Some went on a boot tour through the city’s channels, a couple of us went to a brewery, but most got a cold beer on a terrace, since it had been great weather during the whole weekend. At three in the afternoon we gathered at the Belfort tower. We climbed this tower and had a great overview of Brugge’s city center. After another group photo the weekend officially ended. People got divided over the available cars, while other could take the train home. Everybody was free to decide when to leave. Unfortunately the journey home took a lot of time. Both with train and car due to work on the railway or traffic jam. Luckily everybody arrived safely at home around eleven in the evening. Overall it was a great weekend as closure of this academic year! We also want to thank Foamglas as sponsor of this activity. Without their input it was impossible for us to visit this city with such a large group of students. Thank you for your support!

The End Activity Committee
Kevin de Bont, Babette Mattheüs, Frank van Schie, Wies Westerhout en Koop-Pieter Ziel